At time of recorded interview (January 2017), LTG H.R. McMaster served as the Director of the Army Capabilities Integration Center (ARCIC) and Deputy Commanding General, Futures of the U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command. He then went on to serve as the U.S. National Security advisor in March 2017. He has also previously served as Commanding General at the Maneuver Center of Excellence and Commander of the Combined Joint Inter¬Agency Task Force-Shafafiyat in Kabul, Afghanistan. He is known for playing significant roles in several overseas military operations, including the Gulf War, Operation Enduring Freedom, and Operation Iraqi Freedom. LTG McMaster's military education and training includes the Airborne and Ranger Schools, Armor Officer Basic and Career Courses, the Cavalry Leaders Course, the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College, and a U.S. Army War College fellowship at the Hoover Institution on War, Revolution, and Peace. He holds a Ph.D. in American History from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and is a graduate of the United States Military Academy at West Point.
Role at time of video recording: Director of Army Capabilities Integration Center
Date of recording: January 2017
Expert Perspectives - Bios
Lieutenant General H. R. McMaster, Ph.D.

Role at time of video recording: Director of Army Capabilities Integration Center
Date of recording: January 2017
At time of recorded interview, COL Paula Lodi served as the Commander of the 44th Medical Brigade, Ft. Bragg, NC. She has 26 years of service in the U.S. Army, specializing in healthcare operations and multifunctional logistics. Her previous assignments include the Army staff at the Pentagon and Commander of the Special Troops Battalion, 15th Sustainment Brigade. She is a veteran of three tours in Iraq where she served as a Corps-level Operational Planner and as Executive Officer for a medical task force. Her service has also included humanitarian missions Operation Provide Comfort during the Gulf War and Hurricane Katrina relief. She holds Masters degrees in Military Operational Art and Science from the School of Advanced Military Studies, in National Security Policy Studies from the Naval War College, and in Public Administration from Troy University.
Role at time of video recording: Commander of the 44th Medical Brigade
Date of recording: February 2017
Expert Perspectives - Bios
Colonel Paula Lodi

Role at time of video recording: Commander of the 44th Medical Brigade
Date of recording: February 2017
Jim Greer is a Retired Army Colonel, serving 30 years in CONUS, Europe and the Middle East, including combat operations in Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine, and the Balkans. COL Greer (ret.) commanded an infantry-heavy battalion task force in Bosnia, led the Operation Iraqi Freedom Study Group in the invasion of Iraq, was Chief of Staff of MNSTC-I and commanded 1st Armor Training Brigade. He played a significant role in Army transformation for Force XXI digitization and the Objective Force, was the Army’s representative to DOD’s Revolution in Military Affairs and led the transformation of Initial Entry Training from a Cold War paradigm to one that prepared Soldiers for 21st Century combat. An educator and trainer, he taught tactics at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point and was the Director of the School of Advanced Military Studies (SAMS). COL (ret.) Greer’s military and training education includes a B.S. from West Point, an M.S. in Educational Consulting at Long Island University, an M.S. in National Security from National War College, and a Ph.D. in Education from Walden University.
Role at time of video recording: VP, Center for Senior Leadership & Design, Abrams Learning & Information Systems, Inc.
Date of recording: November 2016
Expert Perspectives - Bios
Colonel (Ret.) Jim Greer, Ph.D.

Role at time of video recording: VP, Center for Senior Leadership & Design, Abrams Learning & Information Systems, Inc.
Date of recording: November 2016
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