The Search screen is broken into two parts: the search term entry and search button, the Recent Searches list. The search term entry and Search button allow you to perform a search for any term and will return the results in search term relevancy order. The Recent Searches list saves the results of your recent searches and allows you to view them again without redoing the search. If you re-search using the same term again, the old saved version will be overwritten with the latest search results.
The search results screen displays the items found in order of relevance with: Icons indicating the item type, the item title, and a short description. Items will be displayed in groups of 10 per page with a count of total items found and total pages of results. You can download an item listed in the results with a long click.
You can refine your search criteria or move on to later results pages by pushing the Menu button on your phone. When the Menu button is pressed you will see the following screen: The Refine Search button allows you to refine your search by specific categories. The available refinements are listed in major categories with the specifics in the expandable lists. To expand the list click the row of the major category you are interested in. You can click the same place to shrink the list after it has been expanded.
To perform the refined search click your desired refinement category.
A refined search will be performed and the search result list will be updated based on the refinement. Refined Searches are not saved.