Instructions There is only one correct answer for each item. When you have completed the exercise, check your answers with the answer key that follows.

1. What is the minimum number of Soldiers who should occupy an observation post (OP)?
A. 1.
B. 2.
C. 3.
D. 4.
2. You are supervising the construction of individual fighting positions. How deep should your Soldiers dig their holes?
A. Weapon deep.
B. Waist deep.
C. Knee deep.
D. Arm pit deep.
3. Match the situation below with the patient precedence you should include in a medical evacuation (MEDEVAC) request:
Patient is in shock.
A. Convenience.
B. Emergency.
C. Urgent.
D. Urgent - Surgical.
4. Match the situation below with the patient precedence you should include in a medical evacuation (MEDEVAC) request:
Patient has bullet wound to the stomach.
A. Convenience.
B. Emergency.
C. Urgent.
D. Urgent - Surgical.
5. Match the situation below with the patient precedence you should include in a medical evacuation (MEDEVAC) request:
Patient has a simple fracture of the hand.
A. Convenience.
B. Priority.
C. Routine.
D. Urgent.
6. Match the situation below with the patient precedence you should include in a medical evacuation (MEDEVAC) request:
Patient has a 103 degree fever.
A. Convenience.
B. Priority.
C. Routine.
D. Urgent.
7. Match the situation below with the patient precedence you should include in a medical evacuation (MEDEVAC) request:
Patient has a toothache.
A. Convenience.
B. Non-hostile.
C. Priority.
D. Routine.
8. You are transmitting a medical evacuation (MEDEVAC) request for multiple patients in different categories. What, if anything, should you use to separate the different categories?
A. Over.
B. Break.
C. Second, third, etc.
D. No separation is used.
9. What are "expendable items"?
A. Any item costing less than $100.
B. Items that wear out or break over time.
C. Items that are consumed during their normal use.
D. Items that do not require property book accountability, but do require receipt control when issued to the user.
10. How should you verify that an operator is licensed to work on a piece of equipment?
A. Review the operator's personnel file.
B. Ask unit maintenance.
C. Ask the operator.
D. Check the operator's DA Form 348.
11. When setting up a squad defense, what should be the primary difference between an individual's alternate and supplementary positions?
A. Alternate positions need to be covered and concealed while supplementary positions do not.
B. Alternate positions are in direct support of the primary mission while supplementary positions are not.
C. Supplementary positions are used primarily to conceal withdrawal from the field of fire.
D. Alternate positions are oriented in the same direction as primary positions while supplementary positions are not.
12. You have completed the following risk management worksheet in preparation for constructing a wire obstacle. How should the overall mission level be rated?
A. Low.
B. Moderate.
C. High.
D. Extremely high.
13. You have completed the following risk management worksheet for conducting obstacle breaching operations. How should the overall mission risk level be rated?
A. Low
B. Moderate
C. High
D. Extremely high