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This is the download page for FM 6-27 / MCTP 11-10C, The Commander’s Handbook on the Law of Land Warfare (August 2019). Commanders at all levels will ensure that their Soldiers or Marines operate in accordance with the law of armed conflict (LOAC) and applicable rules of engagement. This publication provides guidance to Soldiers and Marines on the doctrine and practice related to customary and treaty law applicable to the conduct of warfare on land and to relationships between opposing belligerents, in order to train and prepare for combat operations. This is an official publication of the U.S. Army and a referenced publication for the U.S. Marine Corps.

Distribution Restriction: Approved for public release. Distribution is unlimited. This publication supersedes FM 6-27 / MCTP 11-10C, dated 18 July 1956.

Download the authenticated/print version here.

Audiobook Access/Download:

The Army Doctrine Audiobook provides users with an alternate format for accessing FM 6-27 / MCTP 11-10C. It has been abridged to meet the requirements of the audiobook format. Click on each of the chapters below to play. To download a chapter, right click and save the audio file to your computer or mobile device.