Audio book cover


This is the download page for the Center of Army Lessons Learned Audiobook of publication 23-06 (784), Holistic Health and Fitness (H2F) (June 2023). This audiobook provides voiceover for a compilation of holistic health and fitness (H2F) best practices and lessons learned put together by the United States Army Center for Initial Military Training (CIMT) based on engagements with H2F-resourced brigades (BDEs) in the active component (AC) to facilitate implementation of the H2F system.

Download the authenticated/print version here.

Audiobook Access/Download:

This Audiobook for the Center for Army Lessons Learned provides users with an alternate format for accessing 23-06. It has been abridged to meet the requirements of the audiobook format. Click on each of the chapters below to play. To download a chapter, right click and save the audio file to your computer or mobile device.