This is the download page for the Center for Army Lessons Learned Audiobook of publication 21-14, Building Cohesive Teams (April 2021). This handbook contains information for leaders on how to build teams and contribute individually to team success, including how to create a cohesive climate and resolve conflict. There are vignettes throughout the handbook to help illustrate key points. These vignettes are experiences from Soldiers across the Army. Some are from the Sergeant Major of the Army’s (SMA) “This is My Squad” panel, while others were gathered from interviews with leaders and squad members at various locations.
This Audiobook for the Center for Army Lessons Learned provides users with an alternate format for accessing 21-14. It has been abridged to meet the requirements of the audiobook format. Click on each of the chapters below to play. To download a chapter, right click and save the audio file to your computer or mobile device.