Audio book cover


This is the download page for the Army Doctrine Audiobook of Army Techniques Publication (ATP) 4-90.5, Logistics Platoon Leader (November 2021). ATP 4-90.5 describes what a logistics platoon leader must know and do to effectively command and control a platoon. It describes how a logistics platoon leader tactically employs their platoons, attains proficiency in their branch functions, executes the orders process utilizing troop leading procedures, and leverages teams and squads to accomplish tasks.

Download the authenticated/print version here.

Audiobook Access/Download:

The Army Doctrine Audiobook provides users with an alternate format for accessing ATP 4-90.5. It has been abridged to meet the requirements of the audiobook format. Click on each of the chapters below to play. To download a chapter, right click and save the audio file to your computer or mobile device.