Audio book cover


This is the download page for the Army Doctrine Audiobook of Army Techniques Publication (ATP) 3-34.40, General Engineering (April 2023). ATP 3-34.40 provides doctrine for the conduct of general engineering support by the Army and Marine Corps. This publication discusses how general engineering enables commanders to achieve their objectives in supporting multinational, joint, and service-specific missions. General engineering is those engineering capabilities and activities, other than combat engineering, that provide infrastructure and modify, maintain, or protect the physical environment (JP 3-34). It complements and supports combat and geospatial engineering and encompasses the engineer tasks required to conduct and sustain military operations across the competition continuum.

Download the authenticated/print version here.

Audiobook Access/Download:

The Army Doctrine Audiobook provides users with an alternate format for accessing ATP 3-34.40. It has been abridged to meet the requirements of the audiobook format. Click on each of the chapters below to play. To download a chapter, right click and save the audio file to your computer or mobile device.