Intervene for Others
Taking a more indirect approach may be appropriate in some situations, such as when you witness others being subjected to counterproductive leadership. In these situations, you can intervene on their behalf to handle the broader situation and assist the individuals involved.
There are three techniques within the Intervene for Others strategy that you can use. Note that these techniques focus on helping the recipient of counterproductive leadership; they don’t attempt to change the leader’s behavior and therefore aren’t a long-term solution.
As with all strategies, leverage your Situation-Actors-Behaviors-Impacts (SABI) analysis to help you consider potential impacts and how to handle them.
Refocus or Redirect

One technique for intervening on behalf of others is to refocus or redirect the attention of the leader who is exhibiting counterproductive leadership behaviors. This technique helps stop counterproductive leadership behaviors in the moment. However, it likely won’t alter or stop the leader from exhibiting the behaviors in the future. It is not a long-term solution.
Buffer or Protect Other Individuals

Another technique is to buffer or protect other individuals from exposure to suspected or repeated counterproductive leadership. This technique allows you to prevent the individual from being targeted by counterproductive leadership as much as possible. It also allows you to revert back to the first technique of redirecting the leader’s attention if needed. Again, this does not attempt to change the leader’s behavior and is not a long-term solution.
Provide Support to Affected Individuals

Experiencing counterproductive leadership behaviors can be an isolating and disheartening experience. Providing support to individuals won’t change the leader’s behavior, but it can help the individual affected. Saying something kind and empathetic in private - as simple as “I think you got a raw deal” or “That was totally unfair” - can go a long way to help the individual think about and deal with the incident.