Selecting Developmental Activities
Selecting the right developmental activities is critical to achieving your goal. The leader competencies found in Chapter 7 of the FM 6-22 provide a diagnostic section to help you determine how well you are doing on a given behavior.
Depending on your developmental level and needs, you can select from different types of developmental activities. Review the interaction below to learn more about the activities and when they should be used. You can also read about the different activities Marco can consider to maintain relevant geo-political awareness. These activities will help prepare him to meet the requirements for reclassification to PSYOPS and improve his expertise of the Korean Peninsula.

What is it?
Feedback is an opportunity to gain information from others about how well you are doing. Feedback can include direct feedback from others, your own observations, analysis of response patterns, and acknowledgement of outcomes.
When should I use it?
Seek out feedback when you need more insight into how well you are demonstrating a competency or associated actions and what you can do to improve.
Example Feedback Activity for Maintaining Relevant Geopolitical Awareness
Marco could discuss geopolitical events with knowledgeable individuals to test his personal perceptions and understanding of related facts and implications.

What is it?
Study facilitates an intellectual understanding of the topic. Study can include attending training courses, reading, watching movies, observing others on duty, and analyzing various sources of information.
When should I use it?
You should study when you need to gain or expand your understanding of theory, principles, or knowledge of a leader competency or component.
Example Study Activity for Maintaining Relevant Geopolitical Awareness
Marco could get in the habit of reading newspapers, news magazines, or online news sources, particularly the societal and political issues surrounding North and South Korea.

What is it?
Practice provides activities to convert personal learning into action. Practice includes engaging in physical exercises, team activities, rehearsals, and drills.
When should I use it?
You should practice when you need more experience building or enhancing your capability through opportunities to perform a leader competency or component.
Example Practice Activity for Maintaining Relevant Geopolitical Awareness
Marco could take a current event from the news in Korea that he has been following and consider what he sees different from what he would expect to happen in the USA.