Total Army Training System Courseware

AMMED Advanced Noncommissioned Officer Course
91B40 ANCOC MOS Track

Course No. 081-91B40

Title AMMED Advanced Noncommissioned Officer Course 91B40 ANCOC MOS Track

1 July 1998


Proponent The proponent of this document is the U.S. Army Academy of Health Sciences.

The materials contained in this course have been reviewed by the course instructors in coordination with the Fort Sam Houston foreign disclosure authority. This course is releasable to military students from all requesting foreign countries without restrictions.


To provide selected Army staff sergeants (SSG) and Sergeants First Class (SFC) with the technical, tactical, and leadership/trainer qualities necessary to be successful in Army Operations as platoon sergeants or as operation sergeants in CMF 91.

The training stresses technical, tactical, and leadership battle competencies including combat, combat support and combat service support, general military knowledge, and MOS-specific skills required to function as a platoon sergeant or an operations sergeant in support of Army Operations. Instruction includes Career Management Field Training (CMF) and MOS-specific instruction.

The common core materials for CMF 91 ANCOC can be accessed below:


This course is available for download only. Materials may be in more than one format, for example: Microsoft Word (DOC), Microsoft Power Point (PPT), Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF), and Moving Picture Expert Group (MPEG). Necessary viewers are available from the RDL "DOWNLOAD VIEWERS" site.

Testing Material. Test material is not included with this course. The TASS Battalion Test Control Officer will order the test material from:

U. S. Army Medical Department Center and School
2105 11th Street
Fort Sam Houston, TX 78234-6199
Toll Free 1-800-344-2380 or Commercial (210) 221-5877

Questions concerning subject matter of this course may be addressed to the Proponent.

This TATS Course consists of the following:
ANNEX B: Career Management Field Training 35.00
ANNEX C: MOS 91A, Medical Equipment Repairer, Advanced 21.00
ANNEX D: MOS 71G, Patient Administration Specialist 21.00
ANNEX E: MOS 76J, Medical Supply Specialist 21.00
ANNEX F: MOS 91B, Medical Specialist 21.00
ANNEX G: MOS 91C, Practical Nurse 21.00
ANNEX J: MOS 91K, Medical Laboratory Specialist 21.00
ANNEX K: MOS 91P, Radiology Specialist 21.00
ANNEX L: MOS 91Q, Pharmacy Specialist 21.00
ANNEX M: MOS 91R, Vet Food Inspection Specialist 21.00
ANNEX N: MOS 91S, Preventive Medicine Specialist 21.00
ANNEX O: Situational Training Exercise (STX) 70.00
ANNEX P: MOS 91M, Hospital Food Service Specialist 21.00
ANNEX Q: MOS 91X, Mental Health Specialist 20.00
TOTAL 356.0

A course Read-Me Data File (RMDF) lists all files included for download. Files are grouped by download package. The intent of the RMDF is to assist the instructor in downloading only what he needs and ensuring that he has all required materials following download.

To download course materials, click on ALTFMTDownload Documents to see a list of downloadable self-extracting zip files (packages). Select and double-click, one at a time, on the files (packages) that contain the desired materials. You will be prompted for a "save" location on your hard drive.